Saturday, March 28, 2009

Why don't Obama followers listen to what Obama is actually saying

Why don't Obama followers listen to what Obama is actually saying?
“In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school” “I studied the Koran..” "I exercised bad judgement" said Obama when answering questions about his dealings and acceptance of contributions from slum lord, real estate scam artist, money launderer Tony Rezko. "I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against.......(white people). "I didn't have time" said Obama when asked why he did not even convene one time either of the two sub commitees in the US Senate he is Chairman of. Sources: 1. Dreams From My Father 2. CNN 3. Dreams From My Father 4. CNN
Elections - 18 Answers
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1 :
We don't pay attention to out-of-context quotes and fabricated quotes, thank you very much.
2 :
They have eyes, but they cannot see They have ears, but they cannot hear
3 :
Because those followers just listen to the "hopes", "change" and false promises. Sad, sad state if you ask me.
4 :
Because of his color. Plain and simple. I'm guessing there is a good majority of African Americans who have never voted before and are simply voting because this is their chance to kick whitey out of office and have somebody of their own kind. They're only seeing his outward appearance. They don't care what he's saying.
5 :
Because they are in a DAZE!
6 :
cause his followers are black and they just want a black president
7 :
you have to have something above the brain stem for that to happen.
8 :
They just like to look at him...he is sooo dreamy, & talks soooo pretty, don't ya think?? I heard him, loud & clear. I won't be voting for him, & I don't want to hear more lies.
9 :
No one actually listens to the person idolized. One hears what one wants to hear. It is just bad luck when our dreamings are shown to be futile and hollow and ourselves to be fools. And this is the hardest thing to accept.
10 :
I'm sorry, are you implying that people that don't like scandals whould vote for Hillary?....Now that is laughable.
11 :
he was ...6 years old in Indonesia. Hillary exercised good judgement when voting for the war? why didn't Clinton attend the Senate session on FISA?
12 :
Obama is the kind of person who can't dazzle people with brilliance so he baffles them with B.S!
13 :
They dont listen because they are obviously not interested in electing the best candidate, but rather are smitten with obama. If you ignore the racism, how do you ignore the antiamerican sentiment he has been listening to for 20 years. This is total disrespect for our military and the soliders who have given life and limb for the freedom we enjoy in this country. I find that unforgivable. And the lies obama has been telling are quite disturbing. A grown man lieing like a little kid, even worse he thinks the ignorant voters believe him.
14 :
If you are quoting for the sake of argument you should probably include sources. Especially since you weren't even able to get the name of a book right that you supposedly had "sitting right in front of you" in one of your last posts. You are on of the least credible posters on this site. Quotes mean very little taken out of context. For example: I can show you a video of Hillary Clinton saying, "...I believe in white supremacy..." However, if you see the quote in context you realize she isn't proclaiming this, but rather talking about someone else saying it. You see quotes out of context are meaningless, and certainly not a basis for argument. This is why it is imperative, for your own ability to convince people, that you include a source where people can check up for themselves that the quotes do indeed show what you are trying to convince people of. You are doing your own arguments a disservice by not including the source.
15 :
16 :
It takes an intelligent mind to study other books besides the ones they were raised to read, then formulate their own lives accordingly.
17 :
Trying to take specifics out of context does not work. If Sen. Obama is guilty of anything it is his failure to understand how rude - crude - and racist people in America can still be..
18 :
I am not an Obama supporter, but I do feel that we have to give credit to those who deserve it. I have seen worse politicians than Obama and they made it in politics. So, why chop his head off? The point is that Obama is learning from his mistakes unlike some other folks in high positions who don't learn from their mistakes....

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Could someone please explain these quotes by Barack Obama

Could someone please explain these quotes by Barack Obama?
From 'Dreams of my Father', "In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school" "I studied the Koran.." From 'Audacity of Hope: "Lolo (Obama's step father) followed a brand of Islam ...."I looked to Lolo for guidance". From 'The Audacity Of Hope, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." From Dreams of My Father, " I FOUND A SOLACE IN NURSING A PERVASIVE SENSE OF GRIEVANCE AND ANIMOSITY AGAINST MY MOTHER'S RACE". From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart." From 'Dreams of My Father', "I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites" From Dreams Of My Father, "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own." Feel free to report me, I have like 9 accounts.
Elections - 18 Answers
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1 :
Thank you for listing all of this. Both him and his wife are closet racists. Their church is a separtist church: that states #4 of their mission: "A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA. " Great, just what I want, a president with a NON-NEGOTIABLE COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
2 :
A thinking person would need to see these quotes in context. Give me the whole paragraph, not just the part you find "interesting"
3 :
1. you have no proof obama said this 2. you have no link 3. you already say report you. so i did
4 :
i think he wrote those books trying to establish he was black enough. now he's trying to establish he's not too black. what amazes me is that he wrote his memoirs in his 30s - what arrogance!
5 :
thing is...he IS 1/2 white, 1/2 black. He cannot feel animosity towards one race, I think, since that blood IS in him! It's like hating himself... Plus he always talks nice about his WHITE mom who rised him almost alone! I understand she has passed away from cancer a while back. His dad abandoned him, imagine how that must feel. He also talkes a lot about how he was also raised by his WHITE maternal grandparents (along with his mom).
6 :
The guy obviously has some animosity towards his white half. These people here could see Obama sipping wine with Osama bin laden and still would ask you for proof he's a muslim. Those are quotes from his books. Buy them to see your proof.
7 :
I can't as they are taken out of context and without the rest of the paragraph or sometimes even a chapter they are not meant to be stand alone statements and cannot be explained without the rest of the story. Why would this question be a reportable one? I didn't think it was.
8 :
I got a great for the other GUY!
9 :
Damm, if you spend more then 3 seconds looking at all the quotes it's obvious he is doin his best to not focus on any one part of his heritage.
10 :
man who drop ring in tullet have crappy time
11 :
Anyone can post quotes, but in order to make an informed decision on what the quote means you have to give the context in which the quote was given/used. By posting quotes alone, without context, you are only attempting to degrading the person who made the statements. How low can that be?
12 :
Rovian techniques at its best.take a person word and twist and spin and turn it around for the purpose of negativity. We, the 70% of Americans that disapprove of the job GWB has done, which was shaped by Carl Rove, will no longer fall for this type of innuendo..Also remember that Obama supportors are highly educated..try sending this to Rush and his followers to be the sheep they were, to follow Bush.
13 :
Wow he studied the Koran....Goodness forbid they put someone in the White House who knows about the enemy the US is fighting. Much better we keep people ignorant of the rest of the world in power. 3rd term for Bush!!
14 :
You should report what he meant, not what he said. . . What?
15 :
yes we can !!!
16 :
No, I don't report. But it's almost impossible to understand any quote taken out of context. If you just took one line from one of the Amendments, it would be very difficult to understand the comprehensive thoughts prevailing. Remember when Hillary said ( in Nevada)..." No woman is illegal." People jumped all over that, but in context there was clarity. Nice try, dude, but this just doesn't fly.
17 :
No explaination needed, he's not right for this country. Perhaps overseas somewhere, he would be the perfect leader, but not here. Electing him would be even more moronic than GW's second term election. Funny how every person who doesn't care for him is called a racist, yet he basically insults white people and of course, it's okay. reverse racism at it's finest. and before you jump all over me, I'm married to a black man
18 :
Geez, you could have posted the whole book and these people would have said you took something out of context.Its funny isn't it?No matter how much PROOF you offer, some folks just simply refuse to see the truth.These will be the first ones in line to piss and moan after Obama is elected when their tax dollars are funding left wing special interests in Indonesia (or somewhere).What slays me is the fact that people insist that he isn't "playing the race card".What do you call it when he says even though hes half white, he refuses to "advertise it".Because if he did, he wouldn't be "making history" by being the first black Presidential candidate.That certainly seem s to be playing the race card to me.Or maybe I should call it the "black separatist card". In response to Spark My Thoughts:Obama supporters might be highly educated, but not one of them have been able to come up with an actual accomplishment from Obama.And this doesnt speak to their intelligence, only to his absolute lack of experience.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obama supporters, Can you explain what these quotes from Obama's book mean

Obama supporters, Can you explain what these quotes from Obama's book mean?
“In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school” “I studied the Koran..” ” I FOUND A SOLACE IN NURSING A PERVASIVE SENSE OF GRIEVANCE AND ANIMOSITY AGAINST MY MOTHER’S RACE” “The emotion between the races could never be pure….. the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.” “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites” How am I taking anything out of context? I asked for supporters of Obama to explain what he was saying. I NEVER offered my oppinion of what they meant. Those in support of Obama that answered this are as defensive as someone who pulls out their race card. My point was definatly proven.
Elections - 10 Answers
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1 :
Basically..... white people suck.
2 :
Don't waste your time man, His supporters would follow him even if he confessed to murder. He is PERFECT in their eyes.
3 :
and you wonder why people say he is a racist! lol,how much do you need.nothing could be better than his own words.
4 :
He hates his white mother,Why because she is white.......
5 :
Obama and many other colored people hate the White race.
6 :
I've read the Koran too. Im not into religion crap, but I would say it is a better book to live your life by than the bible. Maybe you should educate yourself! ..and stop taking things out of text.
7 :
why are you taking Obama's words out of context? what ever point that you are trying to make, you have failed miserably
8 :
man some people are ignorant. The book is about how growing up barack came to reconcile being of mixed heritage. "Dreams from my Father", pertains to that conflict in his youth, and how he came to resolve it. He writes about how he romanticized the life of his absent black father who he never knew and resented his mother, and how growing up changed his views on things. Read the book. Don't just find a few quotes that describe a conflict he felt at the age of 13 and pass it off as views he holds right now. He wrote the book to document how he came to reconcile the issue of race in his life. Inspirations that had a profound affect on him. Read the book.
9 :
Obama, like many other black are racists towards any other race but their own. But the damn double standard we have doesn't allow for blacks to be "racists". Blacks can say whatever they want about the white race and no one will even notice. Now if a white person makes a racist remark towards blacks all hell breaks loose. Just for kicks, imagine that Hillary Clinton was half black (but looked more white than black) and she had written a book in which she would say "I ceased to advertise my mother's black race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that I was integrating myself to blacks" Or that she "found animosity against my mother's black race" The media would jump on it like flies to dung. But no, the media loves Mr. Obama (who the hell knows why), that guy is such a fake. Anyway, bottom line, he is a racist black that shouldn't even be running for office. Any white person with similar views towards the black race would never be allowed to run for president.
10 :
The quotes are true. The man is racist. Of course he is not going to broadcast that, AGAIN. David Duke even tried to minimize his racism and he was KKK.

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

What career should I look into

What career should I look into?
I want to see the world. Every bit of culture and history that it has to offer. I am so fascinated by every culture that there is. I want to know everything about every group of people there is. I am especially fascinated by Eastern Countries, for some reason. I want to see Morocco, Italy, Indonesia, and my dream is to some day, move to Sri Lanka. I want to just run through puddles of mud with no shoes on, and not worry about buying the latest trends. I want to stand face to face with an elephant (I think). What I really dream of, is helping. Talking to, and caring for all Underdeveloped ethnic groups I can get my hands on. What I really want to do, is just know everything? I don't know, I'm just fascinated by Culture. So what career do you think that I should go into? I am in Nursing School, so do you think that I should just be a traveling nurse? HELPPPP!
Other - Society & Culture - 2 Answers
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1 :
As a nurse you could be very valuable to an NGO (Non Governmental Organization) like Doctors Without Borders. You could serve a couple years in the Peace Corps and see some of the world. There are lots of opportunities for health care workers, especially in the third world. You might consider taking a third-world language, like Arabic or Swahili or Urdu or Hindi.
2 :
Pilot or flight attendant or maybe world wide relief worker.

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